Thursday 18 December 2014

To do...Dec. 18

  • Holiday Dance - tomorrow afternoon ($4)
  • Make sure you have cleaned up your locker and desk; checked the lost and found

I hope everyone enjoys a much deserved break with friends and family! Get some rest and be ready to continue our learning journey in the New Year.


Mr. Congram

Tuesday 16 December 2014

To do...December 16

Math Quest - Thursday 
Math Review - worksheet and p. 357 #3, 6 and p. 361 #6 (optional p. 374 #1-8)

Monday 15 December 2014

To do...December 15

  • Independent reading project - presentations begin tomorrow
  • Math - p. 356 #1 and p. 360 #2
  • Math Quest (conversions, perimeter, area) - Thursday
  • Checkpoint signed
  • Science - p. 20 #1-3 (due Thursday)
Holiday Dance - Friday ($4 admission)

Friday 12 December 2014

Wednesday 3 December 2014

To do...December 3

  1. Math - perimeter worksheet & p. 344 #4-6
  2. Science - due tomorrow
  3. French - practise!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

To do...December 2

  1. French - spelling needs to be signed
  2. French - practise your lines for the play & dictee
  3. Math - worksheet: conversions
  4. Literacy - object monologue

Monday 1 December 2014

To do...December 1

  1. Literacy - "Things I wish I could do, but I can't...YET" due tomorrow
  2. Drama - Object monologue due by Wednesday
  3. Algebra Quiz - rubric signed
  4. Science - answer Communication questions
Highview is accepting toy donations for the Holiday Heroes campaign. 

Friday is PAJAMA day!

Literacy Activities

Spencer West & Rudy Garcia Tolson

Making Connections - online texts


Teaching Kids News

Independent Reading Project

Friday 28 November 2014

To do...November 28

  1. Blog post - "Things I can't do...YET!" - due next Tuesday
  2. Literacy - read for Independent Reading Project (your book should be read by Dec. 8)
  3. Art - drawing

Drama Activity - Object Monologue

Wednesday 26 November 2014

To do...November 26

  1. Math - Algebra practice worksheet (Quiz on Friday)
  2. Literacy - Blog post: 10 - 15 things I can't do yet! (due Tues., Dec. 2)
  3. Literacy - read your book for the Independent Reading Project

Independent Reading Book

You have to submit the title and author of the book you are choosing for the independent reading project by the end of Friday. If you are unsure about your choice please discuss it with me. Remember graphic novels are not allowed for this assignment.

To prepare for this assignment, you should be doing the following:

  • read your book
  • record your questions, connections and predictions
  • features of the story (characters, problem, setting etc.)
  • choose favourite passages

Get ready to revise!

Thank you, Mr. Kaufman for this great chart.

On Wednesday, we will begin revising your recounts.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

To do...November 25

  1. Math - textbook p. 27 #11, 12
  2. Literacy - bring your "making connections" text to school
  3. Math Quiz - algebra (Friday)

Tiger Rising - Rob's Dad

Dialogue Assessment

Choose ONE comic and paste it into a Google doc. Convert the speech bubbles into dialogue. You must include at least one dialogue tag at the beginning, middle and end.


Monday 24 November 2014

To do...November 24

  1. Math - equations worksheet and p. 18 #1, 4, 6 
  2. Literacy - first draft of Harris Burdick should be done
  3. Rubrics signed - math test and book review
  4. ART - emotions challenge (tomorrow)
  5. Science - p. 7  #1-6 and Build on what you know
  6. French - clock worksheet

There, they're and their: LEARN IT!

Take the Quiz

Take the second Quiz

Take the third Quiz (just kidding!)

Friday 21 November 2014

Learning Partners

To do...November 21

  1. Math - Equations practice (first 4 questions) & Understanding Equality
  2. Literacy - make sure you have text to make connections with
  3. Literacy - rough draft of Harris Burdick story
  4. Blog Post - "Things I Wish I Could Do" - due Dec. 4
  5. Social Studies - choose 1 or 2 topics you are interested in
  6. Science - p. 5 #1, 2, 3, 5, 7 "Hot Air Balloon"

Dialogue Practice

Thursday 20 November 2014

To do...November 20

1. Skeleton Creek book review - posted by tomorrow
2. Math - worksheet from Wednesday
3. Contributions to our Movie-themed auction basket
4. Scholastic Orders due Friday
5. French - practise script
6. Social Studies - make a list of current global issues - due Friday

Tomorrow is When I Grow Up

Tuesday 18 November 2014

To do...November 18

  1. Art - emotion drawings - due next class
  2. Science - see yesterday

Things I wish I could do, but can't...YET!

10-15 Things You Wish You Could Do

Due Tuesday, December 2

Here is the start to mine. It is only a work in progress.

  1. Make a hula hoop work:
Using a hula hoop is not terribly important skill. No one wins an Olympic medal for it. Is rhythmic gymnastics still in the Olympics? The hula hoop always seemed like a very simple skill, at least it looks simple when a seven year old girl grabs a hula hoop and starts it spinning! Apparently, my hips don't work, because when I grab the hula hoop it falls to the ground as quickly as gravity will take it.

    2.   Proper cartwheel

A cartwheel falls into the same category as the hula hoop. Physical skills that appear simple to me, but when attempted are actually superhero like tasks. My window of opportunity for this one may be closing, as I get older and slower. Every once in a while, when no one is looking, I give it a shot.

  3.  Play the guitar

I love music! I especially love great guitar players, like Neil Young or Eric Clapton (look them up). When I was a teenager working at summer camps, it was always the guys with guitars, playing "Wild World" by Cat Stevens, who attracted the crowds, especially the girls. My advice to you: if your parents offer you music lessons, go for it!

Other possible ideas for me:
  1. Hit a 300 yard drive down the middle of the fairway
  2. Draw
  3. Stop properly on skates
  4. Dance without being self conscious
  5. Really speak a second language
  6. Drive a manual transmission car
  7. Really like gardening
  8. Slam dunk like Michael Jordan
  9. Solve the Rubik's cube (I'm getting close)

Monday 17 November 2014

To do...November 17

  1. Math Test tomorrow (unless you are playing volleyball)
  2. Literacy - text for making text to self connections
  3. Book review - due Friday
  4. Science - Flight passport due Thursday

IXL Math

Over the next month, our class will be trying out a Math website, IXL

It has the potential to give students a chance to practise or reinforce skills and concepts learned in class. I will provide each student with an username and password. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.


Note of the Music Department

Thursday 13 November 2014

To do...November 13

  1. Math Review - p. 402 #2-4 and p. 26 #1-6 (Test on Tuesday)
  2. Literacy - have a text for Monday (story, article, video, song lyric) to make Text to Self connections
  3. Literacy - story plan due Monday

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Skeleton Creek Book Review assignment

This assignment will be worked on in class. The final product will be posted on your personal blog. Below are two examples of book reviews to help with the format.

Due date: Friday, November 21

To do...November 12

  1. Math - Patterning problems worksheet
  2. Math test next Tuesday, November 18 (Patterning - review given tomorrow)
  3. Literacy - find a text (story, article, video etc.) that you make STRONG connections with
  4. Science - title page
  5. ART - assignment needs to be completed before next class (can't be taken home)

Monday 10 November 2014

Success Criteria - Strong Beginning

  • Strong hook 
  • Descriptive writing
  • Mysterious, unexpected, leaves you guessing
  • Varied writing (word choice, entry into sentences)
  • Character development
  • Appropriate setting
  • Introduction of problem/conflict

To do...November 10

  1. Math - worksheet "Relating Graphs"
  2. French - worksheet (draw a picture) & get French signed
  3. Remembrance Day Assembly - 10:45 pm
  4. Math checkpoint - patterns (complete term chart, visual pattern, graph)

Friday 7 November 2014

To do...November 7

  1. Math - p. 386 #1b, 6, 7
  2. Art - due Monday (see earlier "to do list")
  3. Reminder about Parent-Teacher interview requests
  4. "Kids These Days" blogpost due Monday

Dialogue Practice

Choose one of the three comics. Cut and paste into a Google Doc and write the dialogue using proper punctuation and dialogue tags.

Thursday 6 November 2014

To do...November 6

  1. Science test tomorrow
  2. French dictee tomorrow
  3. French worksheet "Mets les mots en ordre"
  4. Math - graphing worksheet
  5. Art - draw a leaf pile - due Monday

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Interviews will be taking place on Thursday, November 13 (3:15 to 8:00) and Friday morning. Below is the form that was sent home with the school newsletter. Please contact me if you need a different date. If your child has no siblings in other classes feel free to contact me via email,

Highview's Silent Auction

Wednesday 5 November 2014

To do...November 5

  1. Literacy - finish descriptive writing, Success Criteria checklist
  2. Math - textbook p. 382 #1, 2, 6 (no graphing)
  3. Photo orders due Nov. 10
  4. Science test and French dictee - Friday

Monday 3 November 2014

To do...November 3

  1. Math - p. 8 #3,5; p. 12 #4, 5
  2. Art - contour leaves & finish robot
  3. Science test - Friday
  4. French dictee - Friday
  5. "Kids These Days" blog post due Monday, Nov. 10 (change from previous date)

Descriptive writing

Thursday 30 October 2014

Success Criteria for Descriptive Writing

·      Powerful adjectives (towering cliffs)
·      Interesting verbs (rumbled, zipped)
·      Interesting adverbs (eagerly)
·      Be specific NOT general (NOT ‘There were lots of people on the beach’)
·      Uses appropriate senses (smell, sight, touch, taste, hear) to describe
·      Varied writing (word choice, entry into sentences)

Haunted House - descriptive writing

Use as many of your five senses as possible to describe what it is like to be in this scene.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014

To do...October 28

  1. Math Quiz (Thursday)
  2. Math review: p. 74 #4, 6, 11a & p. 77 #12-17
  3. Literacy - find an example of "powerful" description
  4. Halloween Hop - Friday afternoon (donations due by Friday)
  5. Recount rubric signed
  6. Scholastic due Thursday

Monday 27 October 2014

Living for Basketball

Kids These Days - Blog Post

Complete a blog-post, responding to the prompt below. It is up to you how you will make your post stand out from everyone else. Due Friday, November 7.

Friday 24 October 2014

To do..Oct. 24

  1. Math - p. 74 #1 and p. 71 #5, 7, 9
  2. Math Quiz next Thursday (+, -, x, dividing)
  3. Art - design a robot

Thursday 23 October 2014

Division Questions

To do...Oct. 23

  1. Math - division worksheet & questions from board
  2. Wear RED
  3. Scholastic due Thursday, Oct. 30
  4. Literacy - writing diagnostic "Down the Steps"
  5. Halloween Hop
  6. ART - portfolio due tomorrow
  7. Science - p.33 #1, 2, 3

Descriptive writing

Use as many sense as possible to describe this scene. What do you hear? Smell? See? Feel? Taste?

Is it easier to write in first person or third person?

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Lessmore

To do...Oct. 21

  1. Math - p. 1, 9, 10, 11 and REFLECT
  2. Literacy - "Important to Me" presentations begin tomorrow (maybe)
  3. Science - watch goldfish and complete worksheet
  4. Wear your House Colour!

Monday 20 October 2014

To do...Oct. 20

  1. Math p.66 #6, 8
  2. "Important to Me" due tomorrow
  3. Rubrics signed (Reading history & Oral recount)
  4. Spirit Assembly on Wednesday (wear your colour!)
  5. French test - tomorrow
  6. Music - practise scale page 6


Friday 17 October 2014

To do...Oct. 17

  1. Art portfolio - needs to be coloured & complete rubric (due next Friday)
  2. Science - see yesterday
  3. Math - worksheets, multiplication
  4. "Important to Me" - due Tuesday
  5. French test - next Tuesday (on her blog)

Thursday 16 October 2014

To do...Oct. 16

  1. "Important to Me" blog post due next Tuesday
  2. Science - vertebrae worksheet due Tuesday
  3. Art Portfolio due tomorrow 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

To do...October 15

  1. Science test signed
  2. Math test signed/Order of operations checkpoint signed
  3. Math - Adding and Subtracting problems

Tuesday 14 October 2014

To do...October 14

  1. Math - p. 62 #1 d, e, f; 2 d, e, f; 3, 7, 8, 10
  2. Blog Post - "Important to Me" due Tuesday, October 21
  3. Recounts - presentations begin on Wednesday
  4. Picture Day - Wednesday
  5. French test - next Tuesday

Friday 10 October 2014

Looking ahead to next week...

  1. Science Test on Tuesday
  2. Picture Day - Wednesday
  3. Spirit Assembly - Thursday (period 3)
  4. Recount Presentations will begin Wednesday

Thursday 9 October 2014

To do...October 9

  1. Math test on Friday
  2. French test - Tuesday, October 21 (words are on her blog)
  3. Science test - Tuesday, October 14

Tuesday 7 October 2014

To do...October 7

  1. Math - p. 56 #6-8, 11
  2. Math - checkpoint #2 signed and returned 
  3. Literacy - recount (revised, edited and printed)
  4. Art Portfolio rough draft - due Thursday


Our Class

I love this poster! This is a classroom I want to be apart of this year.

Monday 6 October 2014

To do...Oct. 6

  1. Math Checkpoint - Tuesday, Oct. 7 (order of operations); practice worksheet
  2. New Blogpost due Oct. 21
  3. Social Studies - What I Learned

Learning Goals - week of Oct. 6

Math Unit Test - Friday, Oct. 10

Get ready to revise!

Thank you, Mr. Kaufman for this great chart.

Literacy Activities

Iqbal video

Important to Me

Learning Goal:  To present 3 to 5 important personal items, orally, visually and in written form.

Success Criteria:
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 3-5 important items that you own
  • It’s clear you put some thought into your item selection
  • Post pictures with descriptions on why the objects are important to you
        Due date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014
        Here are a few examples from Mr. Congram:

You may have a noticed an orange chair sitting by the window in my room. I've been surprised that no one has asked me about it. It is a chair that has many teaching memories for me. When I began teaching, over fifteen years ago, my parents were getting rid of this chair that had belonged to my grandmother. I have many fond memories of my grandmother from when I was very young, plus she had been a school teacher when my mom was younger. 

As I set up my first classroom the chair seemed destined to be a part of the space. When I taught grade 3 it was the reading chair and when I've taught grade 8s it has been the hang out chair. I think of many different people when I see it. When you sit in it be careful, it is getting old!

 When I went off to university for my first year, this card arrived in the mail. It was a note from my dad. I won't give you all the details of what it says, but in it, my dad told me how proud he was of me and how much he loved being my dad. I kept the note and I would pull it out and read it when I needed a boost. Last year, when my dad was visiting me, he handed me the letter I had sent him in response to his note. Both of us had saved the notes for over twenty years. It reminds me of how lucky I am! 

This is my wedding ring. If I didn't include this one I would be in trouble. It is a reminder of a promise I've made. It reminds me that I am very lucky to have my wife in my life. Sometimes I think about my wedding day and what an amazing day it was. I still remember when my wife put it on my finger and gave it a little tap. 

Prime and Composite Numbers Practice

Here is a good little game to practise your prime and composite numbers. Who can beat my score of 192?

Prime and Composite Numbers Game

Thursday 2 October 2014

To do...Oct. 2

  1. Math p. 56 #1 a-e, 5
  2. Math Checkpoint #2 signed
  3. DRA survey
  4. Math binder organized into 5 strands (I am checking!)
  5. Terry Fox Run (Friday - toonie for Terry)
  6. Science - poster due Monday

Terry Fox - Asking Questions

Terry Fox - asking questions

Wednesday 1 October 2014

To do...Oct. 1

  1. Math - order of operations handout (only #1 and 2)
  2. DRA survey
  3. Science poster due Monday
  4. ART  portfolio due tomorrow

Important dates:

Thurs. Oct. 2 - Cross Country Meet
Thurs. Oct. 2 - Meet the Teacher @ 6:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 3 - Terry Fox Run (in the afternoon); bring a toonie for Terry
Fri., Oct. 3 - Scholastic orders due & PITA orders

Tuesday 30 September 2014

To do...Sept. 30

  1. Recount - rough draft revised
  2. Reading History blog post - posted properly!
  3. Math checkpoint - Oct. 1 (tomorrow!)
  4. Math worksheets
  5. Science poster due Monday (arthropod)

Monday 29 September 2014

To do...Sept. 29

  1. "Reading History" blog assignment due Tuesday!!!
  2. Math worksheet #2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 and last question
  3. Recount - used feedback from partner
  4. Science - poster due next day 4 (Monday, October 6) 

Thursday 25 September 2014

To do...Sept. 25

  1. Math - p. 46 #2, 4, 8, 10, 11
  2. Literacy - recount rough draft due Monday
  3. Signed rubrics due tomorrow
  4. ART - rough draft of portfolio due next week
  5. Social Studies due tomorrow
  6. Science due Monday

Wednesday 24 September 2014

To do...Sept. 24

  1. Math - p. 46 #1 a, b, g, h
  2. Literacy - recount rough draft done by end of Friday (time in class tomorrow)
  3. Science - comparing family pet to other animal - due Monday
  4. Social Studies - comparing countries due Friday
  5. ART - hexagon due tomorrow
  6. Rubrics signed - Math test & "All about Me"
I ask all students to get tests and rubrics signed. This allows you to see how your child is progressing. If ever an assignment is lost or a reason for a delay, please send me a quick note ( In class, we've discussed it is their responsibility (important learning skill) to ensure the work is shown to you and brought back to me. Thank you for your support.

Mr. Congram

Tuesday 23 September 2014

To do...Sept. 23

  1. Literacy - complete recount plan and turn in
  2. Math - worksheet 2.4 & p. 44 # 3, 4, 7, 8 ( I WILL BE CHECKING!)
  3. Social Studies - if not finished (all questions)
Grade 8 Pita orders due Oct. 3

Malala Yousafzai

This teenage girl is one of my heroes right now. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. What questions do you have when you hear some of her story?

Asking Questions - variety of texts

Here are some of the questions the class came up with as we watched the video. Who can explain the difference between thin and thick questions?

·         what is she reading
·         what did he steal?
·         who paid the bill?
·         why did the man pass out?
·         who paid off the medical form?
·         what's wrong with the mother?
·         is the doctor the boy?

·         why did the man pay for the medicine?
·         why did he steal the medicine?
·         why is it (medicine) so important?
·         why did the man help the boy?
·         why didn't the boy thank the man?

·         why don't more people help like this?

Is the boy poor? - is this a thick or thin question?

Friday 19 September 2014

To do...Sept. 19

  1. Math worksheet - 2.4 (all questions)
  2. Literacy - recount plan complete by Wed.
  3. Science - p. 15 #1, 4, 5
  4. Blog Post due Sept. 30
  5. Social Studies (see yesterday)
Suggested items to have at school:
  • calculator (can use device)
  • pair of headphones or ear-buds (that can be left at school)
NO school on Monday. Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 18 September 2014

To do...Sept. 18

  1. Milk and Pita orders due Friday
  2. Social Studies - information for your country of choice due next day 5 (Tuesday)
  3. Science - My Tree (due Friday)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Asking Questions - Thin or Thick Questions?

What questions do you have as you watch?

Reading History blog post

Learning Goal:  

  • To create a visual representation of your "Reading History"

Success Criteria:
  • Original/Creative/You've made it your own (this is the most important one!)
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 8 significant texts in your reading history (remember texts don't have to be books) and why they were important to you

This is a level 3 example; level 4 will stand out from the crowd. Be original!

Due date:  Tuesday, Sept. 30th

To do...Sept. 15

  1. Math - p. 76 #1-5 and "Mystery Numbers" worksheet (due Wed.)
  2. Math checkpoint signed and returned (from last week)
  3. Science - p. 12 #2, 4 and tree chart
  4. Math test (Thursday)
  • place value
  • standard/expanded/words
  • ordering large numbers
  • rounding 
  • estimation

Friday 12 September 2014

To do...Sept. 12

  1. Math checkpoint signed
  2. Math - rounding worksheet completed
  3. Gym clothes for Monday

Thursday 11 September 2014

To do...Sept. 11

  1. Math Checkpoint signed
  2. Science (see yesterday)

Peer Assessment

Math Communication - estimation

In class yesterday, we were working on how we communicate our thinking (it was not easy!). How many jellybeans do you estimate are in the jar?
Below is some of my own thinking. We are trying to use our prior knowledge (what do I know?) or experience (birthday parties!) to help our estimations.

Digital Footprint

Wednesday 10 September 2014

To do...Sept. 10

  1. Art - hexagons
  2. Social Studies - map due tomorrow
  3. Science - "Living Things" - due Friday
  4. "All about Me" present tomorrow

First password: HOUSEOFUSHER

Tuesday 9 September 2014

To do...Sept. 9

  1. Math checkpoint tomorrow
  2. "All about Me" video due Thursday
  3. Science - p. 6 #1, 2 and "Diversity at the Zoo"

Ban on Homework

Ban on Homework

What makes a "GOOD" mathematician?

Last week in class we discussed what makes a GOOD mathematician? Here are the most important characteristics:
  • determined (don't give up)
  • challenge themselves
  • make MISTAKES
  • show their THINKING
  • asks questions
  • look for different ways to solve problems
  • use their prior knowledge

Monday 8 September 2014

To do...Sept 8

Math p. 41 #1, 2, 4 & p. 42 #8
MATH CHECKPOINT on Wed. (place value, standard form, expanded form, words, order numbers)

Friday 5 September 2014

To do...Sept. 5

1. Math - worksheet
2. Social Studies - due Monday
3. "All about Me" (due next Thursday)
4. Science - "Living and Non-living" chart
5. Gym clothes for Monday

Thursday 4 September 2014

To do...Sept. 4

  1. Social Studies - "Global Connections" due Monday
  2. Math - p. 37 #1, 3, 4, 5 (binder with 5 dividers for Math)
  3. Science - title page due tomorrow and "Diversity at the Zoo"
  4. Bring back forms for school or Mr. Congram
  5. ART sketchbook
  6. Parent Contact  (please fill in)

Wednesday 3 September 2014

To do...Sept. 3

  1. Math - p. 34 #4, 5, 7
  2. Bring gym clothes (shorts, running shoes)
  3. Make sure you have an independent reading book
  4. Scholastic orders due next Tues., Sept. 9
  5. Science - finish title page & bring binder
  6. ART - sketchbook

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Skeleton Creek

The overwhelming choice of the class is to read Skeleton Creek.

To begin the year, our reading strategy will "asking questions."

Ice Bucket Challenge

Living with ALS

To do...September 2

  1. Technology Letters from Mr. Congram - 2 letters
  2. Collect pictures for All about Me video (hobbies, family, growning etc)
  3. Package of information (forms to sign)
  4. Bring gym clothes (for Thursday)

Saturday 30 August 2014

Writing Assignment

Goal: produce a piece of writing that shows me how well you write.

  • do not ask me how long; our goal is always quality over quantity
  • what makes a quality piece of writing?

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