Monday 6 October 2014

Important to Me

Learning Goal:  To present 3 to 5 important personal items, orally, visually and in written form.

Success Criteria:
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 3-5 important items that you own
  • It’s clear you put some thought into your item selection
  • Post pictures with descriptions on why the objects are important to you
        Due date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014
        Here are a few examples from Mr. Congram:

You may have a noticed an orange chair sitting by the window in my room. I've been surprised that no one has asked me about it. It is a chair that has many teaching memories for me. When I began teaching, over fifteen years ago, my parents were getting rid of this chair that had belonged to my grandmother. I have many fond memories of my grandmother from when I was very young, plus she had been a school teacher when my mom was younger. 

As I set up my first classroom the chair seemed destined to be a part of the space. When I taught grade 3 it was the reading chair and when I've taught grade 8s it has been the hang out chair. I think of many different people when I see it. When you sit in it be careful, it is getting old!

 When I went off to university for my first year, this card arrived in the mail. It was a note from my dad. I won't give you all the details of what it says, but in it, my dad told me how proud he was of me and how much he loved being my dad. I kept the note and I would pull it out and read it when I needed a boost. Last year, when my dad was visiting me, he handed me the letter I had sent him in response to his note. Both of us had saved the notes for over twenty years. It reminds me of how lucky I am! 

This is my wedding ring. If I didn't include this one I would be in trouble. It is a reminder of a promise I've made. It reminds me that I am very lucky to have my wife in my life. Sometimes I think about my wedding day and what an amazing day it was. I still remember when my wife put it on my finger and gave it a little tap. 

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