Thursday 30 October 2014

Success Criteria for Descriptive Writing

·      Powerful adjectives (towering cliffs)
·      Interesting verbs (rumbled, zipped)
·      Interesting adverbs (eagerly)
·      Be specific NOT general (NOT ‘There were lots of people on the beach’)
·      Uses appropriate senses (smell, sight, touch, taste, hear) to describe
·      Varied writing (word choice, entry into sentences)

Haunted House - descriptive writing

Use as many of your five senses as possible to describe what it is like to be in this scene.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014

To do...October 28

  1. Math Quiz (Thursday)
  2. Math review: p. 74 #4, 6, 11a & p. 77 #12-17
  3. Literacy - find an example of "powerful" description
  4. Halloween Hop - Friday afternoon (donations due by Friday)
  5. Recount rubric signed
  6. Scholastic due Thursday

Monday 27 October 2014

Living for Basketball

Kids These Days - Blog Post

Complete a blog-post, responding to the prompt below. It is up to you how you will make your post stand out from everyone else. Due Friday, November 7.

Friday 24 October 2014

To do..Oct. 24

  1. Math - p. 74 #1 and p. 71 #5, 7, 9
  2. Math Quiz next Thursday (+, -, x, dividing)
  3. Art - design a robot

Thursday 23 October 2014

Division Questions

To do...Oct. 23

  1. Math - division worksheet & questions from board
  2. Wear RED
  3. Scholastic due Thursday, Oct. 30
  4. Literacy - writing diagnostic "Down the Steps"
  5. Halloween Hop
  6. ART - portfolio due tomorrow
  7. Science - p.33 #1, 2, 3

Descriptive writing

Use as many sense as possible to describe this scene. What do you hear? Smell? See? Feel? Taste?

Is it easier to write in first person or third person?

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Lessmore

To do...Oct. 21

  1. Math - p. 1, 9, 10, 11 and REFLECT
  2. Literacy - "Important to Me" presentations begin tomorrow (maybe)
  3. Science - watch goldfish and complete worksheet
  4. Wear your House Colour!

Monday 20 October 2014

To do...Oct. 20

  1. Math p.66 #6, 8
  2. "Important to Me" due tomorrow
  3. Rubrics signed (Reading history & Oral recount)
  4. Spirit Assembly on Wednesday (wear your colour!)
  5. French test - tomorrow
  6. Music - practise scale page 6


Friday 17 October 2014

To do...Oct. 17

  1. Art portfolio - needs to be coloured & complete rubric (due next Friday)
  2. Science - see yesterday
  3. Math - worksheets, multiplication
  4. "Important to Me" - due Tuesday
  5. French test - next Tuesday (on her blog)

Thursday 16 October 2014

To do...Oct. 16

  1. "Important to Me" blog post due next Tuesday
  2. Science - vertebrae worksheet due Tuesday
  3. Art Portfolio due tomorrow 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

To do...October 15

  1. Science test signed
  2. Math test signed/Order of operations checkpoint signed
  3. Math - Adding and Subtracting problems

Tuesday 14 October 2014

To do...October 14

  1. Math - p. 62 #1 d, e, f; 2 d, e, f; 3, 7, 8, 10
  2. Blog Post - "Important to Me" due Tuesday, October 21
  3. Recounts - presentations begin on Wednesday
  4. Picture Day - Wednesday
  5. French test - next Tuesday

Friday 10 October 2014

Looking ahead to next week...

  1. Science Test on Tuesday
  2. Picture Day - Wednesday
  3. Spirit Assembly - Thursday (period 3)
  4. Recount Presentations will begin Wednesday

Thursday 9 October 2014

To do...October 9

  1. Math test on Friday
  2. French test - Tuesday, October 21 (words are on her blog)
  3. Science test - Tuesday, October 14

Tuesday 7 October 2014

To do...October 7

  1. Math - p. 56 #6-8, 11
  2. Math - checkpoint #2 signed and returned 
  3. Literacy - recount (revised, edited and printed)
  4. Art Portfolio rough draft - due Thursday


Our Class

I love this poster! This is a classroom I want to be apart of this year.

Monday 6 October 2014

To do...Oct. 6

  1. Math Checkpoint - Tuesday, Oct. 7 (order of operations); practice worksheet
  2. New Blogpost due Oct. 21
  3. Social Studies - What I Learned

Learning Goals - week of Oct. 6

Math Unit Test - Friday, Oct. 10

Get ready to revise!

Thank you, Mr. Kaufman for this great chart.

Literacy Activities

Iqbal video

Important to Me

Learning Goal:  To present 3 to 5 important personal items, orally, visually and in written form.

Success Criteria:
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 3-5 important items that you own
  • It’s clear you put some thought into your item selection
  • Post pictures with descriptions on why the objects are important to you
        Due date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014
        Here are a few examples from Mr. Congram:

You may have a noticed an orange chair sitting by the window in my room. I've been surprised that no one has asked me about it. It is a chair that has many teaching memories for me. When I began teaching, over fifteen years ago, my parents were getting rid of this chair that had belonged to my grandmother. I have many fond memories of my grandmother from when I was very young, plus she had been a school teacher when my mom was younger. 

As I set up my first classroom the chair seemed destined to be a part of the space. When I taught grade 3 it was the reading chair and when I've taught grade 8s it has been the hang out chair. I think of many different people when I see it. When you sit in it be careful, it is getting old!

 When I went off to university for my first year, this card arrived in the mail. It was a note from my dad. I won't give you all the details of what it says, but in it, my dad told me how proud he was of me and how much he loved being my dad. I kept the note and I would pull it out and read it when I needed a boost. Last year, when my dad was visiting me, he handed me the letter I had sent him in response to his note. Both of us had saved the notes for over twenty years. It reminds me of how lucky I am! 

This is my wedding ring. If I didn't include this one I would be in trouble. It is a reminder of a promise I've made. It reminds me that I am very lucky to have my wife in my life. Sometimes I think about my wedding day and what an amazing day it was. I still remember when my wife put it on my finger and gave it a little tap. 

Prime and Composite Numbers Practice

Here is a good little game to practise your prime and composite numbers. Who can beat my score of 192?

Prime and Composite Numbers Game

Thursday 2 October 2014

To do...Oct. 2

  1. Math p. 56 #1 a-e, 5
  2. Math Checkpoint #2 signed
  3. DRA survey
  4. Math binder organized into 5 strands (I am checking!)
  5. Terry Fox Run (Friday - toonie for Terry)
  6. Science - poster due Monday

Terry Fox - Asking Questions

Terry Fox - asking questions

Wednesday 1 October 2014

To do...Oct. 1

  1. Math - order of operations handout (only #1 and 2)
  2. DRA survey
  3. Science poster due Monday
  4. ART  portfolio due tomorrow

Important dates:

Thurs. Oct. 2 - Cross Country Meet
Thurs. Oct. 2 - Meet the Teacher @ 6:30 pm
Fri., Oct. 3 - Terry Fox Run (in the afternoon); bring a toonie for Terry
Fri., Oct. 3 - Scholastic orders due & PITA orders