Friday 29 May 2015

Monday 25 May 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

To do...May 20

  1. Math - p. 364 #1, 3, 5, 8
  2. Persuasive plan completed tomorrow
  3. Keep bringing newspapers

Tuesday 19 May 2015

To do...May 19

  1. Math - volume worksheets
  2. Math - bring in newspapers for activity
  3. Track and Field - Friday (we're still looking for volunteers)
  4. 800 m (also running long jump) will be run Wednesday last period (be prepared)

Math assignment returned today: if you need to resubmit it is due by Friday (needs to be printed and attached to rubric).

How many small boxes of Nerds will fit into a giant box?

Thursday 14 May 2015

To do...May 14

  1. Math - p. 226 #1, 3-5
  2. Literacy - you need a persuasive writing topic by Tuesday (if unsure check with Mr. Congram)
McMichael Gallery trip tomorrow. Students must bring a lunch. If they order pizza, the pizza will be put in the fridge at school and they can pick it up after school.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

To do...May 12

  1. Math - p. 368 #2e, 4b, 5, 8

Track and Field Day is May 22nd. If any parents are available to volunteer please let Mr. Congram know. Thanks.

"BEST" Sport Debate

Monday 11 May 2015

To do...May 11

1. Math - p. 368 #2 a, d (full communication!)
2. Math checkpoint - Wed. (Surface area - rectangular and triangular prisms)
3. McMichael trip form - tomorrow is the last possible day to hand in
4. Debate begins tomorrow - be prepared
5. Social Studies - record your 5 questions and choose 3 (due tomorrow)
6. Sign french test

Wednesday 6 May 2015

To do...May 6

  1. Math - p.222 #1 a
  2. French - practise your lines & get test signed
  3. Dance - presentations will be Monday or Tuesday
Hoops for Heart - donation OR fundraising has to be in by tomorrow
McMichael Field trip - May 15th (permission forms due by Monday, May 11th at the latest)

Tuesday 5 May 2015

To do...May 5

1. Literacy - debate part should be ready
2. Science - p. 25 and 27
3. Hoops for Heart donation
4. Art

Monday 4 May 2015

To do...May 4

  1. Math test - tomorrow
  2. Literacy - your part of debate should be written

This week:
  • Hoops for Heart - Friday: periods 1 and 2
  • VIP - Friday afternoon
  • High Jump tomorrow - bring running shoes

Friday 1 May 2015

To do...May 1

  1. Math test - Tuesday
  2. Math review - p. 426 #1-7
  3. French test signed
  4. Social Studies - one question

  • Hoops for Heart - Friday, May 8 (fundraising or donation - minimum $5)
  • McMichael field trip form - signed with money (return by Monday, May 11)