Wednesday 29 April 2015

To do...April 29

1. Math worksheets - probability
2. Math test - Tuesday, May 5
3. French Quiz signed
4. French vocal quiz
5. Finish ART

Tuesday 28 April 2015

To do...April 28

  1. Math - p. 419 #5, p. 415 #6 and p. 424 #1
  2. Literacy - Summary and Reflection due tomorrow (you had two periods in class)
  3. Science - topic 7 done for Friday
  4. ART due

Fine Arts Night - Thursday, April 30 at 6:30 pm

Independent Reading Project

Due Date: Tuesday, May 19

There will be time in class, but some work may have to be completed at home. It all depends on how well you use your class time.

Model for Independent Reading Project

This image represents the idea that you should not judge a book by its cover. I think this idea is important throughout Freak the Mighty. Max has grown up with people around him thinking he is like his father, because he is large and tough looking. They also don't think he is very smart. Only Freak sees another side to him.
The same is also true of Kevin "Freak", because he has a physical disability people judge him. Of course, it turns out he is tougher and braver than most people expect. He is also the smartest person Max knows.

I chose this image to represent loyalty. Dogs are supposed to be "man's best friend" and from my experience they are definitely loyal. In Freak the Mighty, it is a story about a special friendship, but most importantly, I think it is about loyalty. Freak and Max are best friends and both prove it at different points in the story. Freak loads up his water gun (my favourite part) and comes to Max's rescue. Max stays at the hospital when Freak is sick even though there is nothing he can do.

Monday 27 April 2015

To do...April 27

  1. Math - p. 425 #4 and p. 418 #2,3
  2. Get rubrics signed (Math test, Quote blog post, Literature Circle)
  3. Overdue assignments - Non-fiction sharing board & Probability assignment
  4. ART due Wednesday
  5. Independent reading book - bring to school

Summary and Reflection

School Censors Girl's T-shirt

Look at Me When You're Talking

Cheerleader Flying High

Friday 24 April 2015

To do...April 24

  1. Math - Probability due Monday
  2. Non-fiction sharing due today!!!
  3. ART - due next day 2
  4. Science - Communication due next class
Hoops for Heart - May 8 ($5 due or fundraising)

Wednesday 22 April 2015

To do...April 22

  1. Non-fiction sharing board due Friday
  2. Blog Post due Friday
  3. Music and speaker for dance assignment
  4. ART - sketchbook assignment due next class

Probability Assignment - Rock, Paper, Scissors

Learning Goal: design a version of "Rock Paper Scissors" and explain the chances of winning

Success Criteria:

  • write out the rules of your version (remember the features of a procedure)
  • your game has to work
  • perform and record the results from an experiment of your game (chart)
  • explain the chances of each player winning your game (include possible outcomes, favourable outcomes, tree diagram, probability as a fraction & percent)
  • reflection on your game (fair game? strategy? flaws? would you change anything?)

Probability - Rock, Paper, Scissors

What is the probability that Player A will win?

Remember: P(player A wins) = favourable outcomes
                                                    possible outcomes

Tuesday 21 April 2015

To do...April 21

  1. Literacy - Non-fiction sharing board due Friday (time will be given tomorrow)
  2. Social Studies - Reflection due Thursday
  3. Blog Post due Friday
  4. ART due tomorrow
  5. French test signed
We had a visit from a grade 7 student who is raising money for cancer research as part of a school assignment. He is asking for loonies or toonies. 

Success Academy Stories

New York Times

Monday 20 April 2015

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Is there a winning strategy or is it a  fact that no matter what the strategy, each player has the same chance of winning when you play the game?

Human vs. Computer

How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time (infographic)

Wednesday 15 April 2015

To do...April 15

  1. ART - 4 ideas for challenge
  2. Social Studies - bring artifacts
  3. French - quiz signed
  4. Math - p. 330 #6, 7

Tuesday 14 April 2015

To do...April 14

  1. Math - p. 326 #2, 6, 9-12
  2. Quotes Blog Post due Friday, April 24
  3. Math Test - Monday, April 20 (basketball players on Tuesday)
  4. Science - Circuits: #3 abcd, 4
  5. Social Studies - 3 artifacts next Tuesday for presentation
  6. Literacy - choose and read novel by May 1

Math test
  • fractions (equivalent, simplified, improper, mixed)
  • ratios & rates
  • percents

Structure for Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Map

Persuasion Map

Monday 13 April 2015

Quotes Blogpost

Learning Goal:
  •  Create a visual representation of three quotes that are important to you

Success Criteria:
  • three different quotes (should represent different ideas)
  • images should support the messages of the quotes
  • quotes and images are logically organized
  • audience should be able to make inferences about you as a person

Due date:  Friday, April 24  

Friday 10 April 2015

Success Academy

What do you think are some pros and cons about "Success Academy"?

Number Line Quiz

If you are choosing to redo the quiz, you should let Mr. Congram know by the end of Friday. It will be written Monday at lunch recess.

Here is a sample solution to the first quiz:

Wednesday 8 April 2015

To do...April 8

  1. Math - worksheet #2 and #2 (show all your work!!!) & Stretch your thinking
  2. French - get test signed
  3. Rubrics signed - making inferences and blogpost
  4. Science - see yesterday

Tuesday 7 April 2015

To do...April 7

  1. Math - p. 319 #11
  2. Literacy - find some evidence to support Mr. Congram's argument
  3. Literature Circle - final session tomorrow (good copy due Friday)
  4. Science - p. 19 #3 due Friday

Literature Circle - Book trailers

Think of a book trailer as something like a movie trailer. It is a short preview designed to get people excited about your book.

Here are a couple of examples:

Learning Goal:
  •   create a book trailer to preview your book and persuade others to read it using iMovie

Success Criteria:

  • create a storyboard plan
  • persuasive phrases and words
  • good images that represent the book
  • 1 - 1 1/2 minutes
  • music fits the mood of the book
  • use the main and most interesting parts (highlights)
  • engages the audience
  • genre is expressed through words, images and music
  • Book title (BOLD, repeated, image of book)

Thursday 2 April 2015

To do...April 2

  1. Math Quiz - Tuesday (one question!)
  2. Math - p. 319 #6, 7, 8
  3. Literature Circle - Wednesday

Some of Mr. Congram's Favourite Things from your Blog Posts

  • Free Wifi
  • emus - yes the bird
  • bubble wrap
  • medieval handwriting
  • road trips
  • doodling
  • smell of wood
  • altitudes
  • rain showers on a HOT day
  • kicking SLUSH
  • cloud watching
  • fresh haircut
  • looking at OLD photos
  • sour key
  • meditation
  • smell of nail polisher
  • new shoes
  • when 2 year olds get hurt and they need you to kiss where it hurts and then they say, "ALL Better!"

Wednesday 1 April 2015

To do...April 1

  1. Math - p. 314 #4, 5, 8, 10, 11
  2. Literature Circle - next Wednesday
  3. Making inferences
  4. French - practise words (Quiz moved to Tuesday)

Tomorrow is World Autism Day - please wear BLUE!