Tuesday 31 March 2015

Monday 30 March 2015

To do..March 30

  1. Math - worksheet & p. 311 #8, 9
  2. Blog Post due tomorrow
  3. Literature Circle due Wednesday
  4. Social Studies - answers to survey questions

Friday 27 March 2015

To do...March 27

  1. Math - worksheet, "Comparing fractions"
  2. Literature Circle - next Wednesday
  3. Blog Post - due next Tuesday
  4. French - read over words
  5. Social Studies - survey due Tuesday

Speech Contest - Wed., April 1 (period 2 and 3)

Thursday 26 March 2015

To do...March 26

1. Math Checkpoint tomorrow
2. Math - is 6/6 a proper or improper fraction?
3. Literacy - other side of inferring page
4. Social Studies - survey 5 people 4 questions your group decided on (due Tuesday)

Greatest to least

Tuesday 24 March 2015

To do...March 24

  1. Math p. 293 #1, 2 ab, 3 abc, 4 abc
  2. Math checkpoint - Friday (includes up to mixed numbers/improper fractions)
  3. Literacy - summary/reflection if not handed in
  4. Literacy - Speech rubric signed
  5. Social Studies - choose your 4 best questions for survey (due Thursday)
  6. Lit circle due tomorrow
  7. Have a great Tuesday ;)  

Monday 23 March 2015

To do...March 23

  1. Math - p. 289 #1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11
  2. Math checkpoint - FRIDAY
  3. Literature Circle - next session Wednesday
  4. Blogpost due Tuesday, March 31
  5. ART - 3 ideas for clay creation

Pizza and Pita Pit orders due soon

Our Next Read Aloud

Below each book is a link to a summary and some reviews. Choose wisely.

Rump: The True Story...

Liar & Spy
Rain Reign

The Boy on the Porch
The Fourteenth Goldfish

Representing a proper fraction

Blogpost - Favourite Things


Learning Goal:  To create a digital or paper representation of "30-50 Things You Like"

You can use any app/program you want as long as the finished project is one snapshot!!  PAPER may be the best option for this task

Example:  Pic Collage (Limits you to 30)

Compare the digital and paper versions?  What are the advantages/disadvantages of each ?

Due date:  Tuesday, March 31

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Success Criteria - Summary & Reflection

  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include an effective introductory and concluding sentence
.  Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation)


·                     Shares opinion of text
·                     Always tries to uncover the Big Idea in a text
·                     Always tries to uncover the most important part of the text
·                     Challenge the text by asking questions
·                     Makes connections when talking about background knowledge

·                     What’s the author’s viewpoint?  Do they show a bias?

To do...March 11

  1. Social Studies - Meet the Criteria due tomorrow
  2. Math test - rubric signed
  3. Final speeches tomorrow
Pizza Forms due March 30
Pita Lunch due March 27

Monday 9 March 2015

Thursday 5 March 2015

To do...March 5

  1. Science - Mind map
  2. ART - drawing of sculpture piece
  3. Math Test - Monday (extra practice is available)
  4. Speech - ongoing revisions and practice
Next week - 
  • Math test - Monday
  • Literature Circle - Tuesday
  • Speeches begin on Tuesday

Speech Rubric

Tuesday 3 March 2015

To do...Mar. 3

  1. Math - worksheet and p. 272 #2,4
  2. Math test - Monday (transformations/symmetry)
  3. Literacy - rough draft due Wednesday