Friday 30 January 2015

To do...Jan 30

  1. Math - p. 127 #1 e-h, 2 e-h, 3 e-h, 4, 8
  2. Literature Circle - round 5 (next Wed.)
  3. Health Presentations - Tuesday
  4. Math Checkpoint - Tuesday

Thursday 29 January 2015

To do..Jan. 29

  1. Math - worksheets 
  2. Math checkpoint - Monday (decimals: comparing, ordering, standard form, expanded form)
  3. Literature Circle - round 4 tomorrow
  4. Science Test - next week
  5. French - presentation (due Tuesday)
Health Presentations will begin Tuesday (time in class tomorrow)

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Number the Stars - Drama Monologue

Learning Goal: 

  • Create a dramatic monologue from the point of view of a character in the "casket" scene from chapter 10

Success Criteria:

  • Written in first person (Point of view of the person)
  • Include the main events of the scene (what happens? what is said?)
  • Includes inner thoughts/feelings (what are you thinking?)
  • Conventions (Grammar/spelling/punctuation)

  • Proper expression/volume/fluency
  • Creative (Use your imagination)
  • Well prepared and rehearsed

To do...Jan. 27

1. Math - p. 116 #1-3; p. 120 #4, 5, 6, 10
2. Science - timeline
3. Global Issue Report - share with
4. Literature Circle - round 4 due Friday

Monday 26 January 2015

To do...Jan. 26

  1. Rubrics signed - Mind Map, Geometry test and Narrative
  2. Literature Circle - round 3 tomorrow
  3. Science - timeline (p. 32-36)
  4. Social Studies - report due tomorrow

Procedural writing - Success Criteria

Friday 23 January 2015

To do...Jan. 23

1. Literature Circles - round #3 due Tuesday
2. Global Issue report due Tuesday
3. Science timeline read p. 32-35 and create timeline (questions p. 36 #1-5)

Thursday 22 January 2015

To do...Jan. 22

  1. Social Studies: Global Issues Report due Tuesday
  2. Math - Mind Map due tomorrow
  3. Literature Circle - round #2 tomorrow

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Math Review

This type of construction is important!

To do...Jan. 21

  1. Math test tomorrow (after lunch)
  2. Geometry Mind Map due Friday
  3. Literature Circle - round #2 ready for Friday

Tuesday 20 January 2015

To do...Jan. 20

  1. Math - Geometry Mind Map due Friday (construction complete at school & final touches at home)
  2. Literacy - Round #2 of Literature Circle (chapter 8 and 9) due Friday
  3. Math test - Thursday
  4. ART - due tomorrow

Nutrition Labels

Interactive Food Label

Nutrition Labels Quiz

Create My Food Guide

Health Project

Here is a sample of a Haiku presentation (different topic). Notice how few words are used. Your choice of image is important.
5 Secrets of Public Speaking From the Best TED Presenters - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Healthy Living Articles

Fast Food Chains Get Real

1.  School's Favourite Cookie is Banned

2.  Fast Food Consumption is Out of Control

3.  Lunches from Home Don't Meet Nutritional Standards

4.  Tax on Soft Drinks

1.  Walk to School

2.  Chain Restaurants Post Calories

3.  Toronto Kids Need More Exercise

4.  Ontario Doctors Call for Strong Action

Lower Sugar Intake


Here is a simple, yet accurate procedure for Leaf fans:

Monday 19 January 2015

To do...Jan. 19

  1. Literacy - be prepared for round 1 Literature Circle
  2. Health - bring in an example of a food label for something you eat (maybe a couple)
  3. ART - two point perspective drawing due Wed. (or 3:05)

Math Test - Thursday, January 22
  • name and measure angles
  • name and compare geometric properties of polygon
  • sort polygons base on attributes
The more thinking you put into your mind map; the better you will be prepared for the test!

Thursday 15 January 2015

To do...Jan. 15

  1. Art - due Wed.
  2. Number the Stars - read chapter 6 and 7 (remember your role)
  3. Literacy - chapter 5 questions and summary of Star of Fear, Star of Hope (due)

Wednesday 14 January 2015

To do...Jan. 14

  1. Music - could be practising for auditions
  2. Read chapters 6 and 7 Number the Stars

Tuesday 13 January 2015

To do...Jan. 13

  1. Math - rough draft of mind map due tomorrow
  2. Literacy - summary of Star of Fear, Star of Hope
  3. ART - draw a street in two point perspective

Monday 12 January 2015

To do...Jan. 12

  1. Math - worksheet (lines of symmetry)
  2. French - questions if not fiinished
  3. ART - house due tomorrow
Last week to order yearbook:

Summary - Success Criteria

A good summary:  
  • Your own language (no quoting or examples from text)
  • Important character/people’s names
  • Most Important Events/Details
  • Most Important Words/Vocabulary
  • Logically Organized
  • You include an effective introductory and concluding sentence
  • Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation)

Friday 9 January 2015

Thursday 8 January 2015

To do...Jan. 8

  1. Literacy - blogpost due Monday
  2. French - questions 46 up to 56 due Monday
  3. Math Checkpoint - Monday (constructing angles and polygons; naming geometric properties

Rose Blanche - Summary


The story takes place in a small German town during World War II. A small girl, Rose Blanche, sees a small boy being taken away by Nazi soldiers. She follows the truck to a concentration camp where she finds hungry Jewish people behind barbed wire fences. She begins to sneak food to the prisoners. The people from the town begin to flee and Rose tries to go back to the camp, but she ends up in the middle of a battlefield. The war ends when the Russian Army arrives. Rose never returned to her mother.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

To do...Jan. 7

  1. Math - p. 93 Connect and "Constructing triangles" (8 figures in total labelled)
  2. Math - half of the class needs to finish yesterday's homework
  3. Literacy - Number the Stars - chapter 1 questions
  4. Literacy - Tic Tac Toe
  5. French - #36 to 45

Tuesday 6 January 2015

To do...Jan. 6

  1. Math - worksheet "triangles"
  2. French - questions 26 to 35
  3. Blogpost due Monday
  4. ART - one point perspective - four houses

Monday 5 January 2015

To do...Jan. 5

  1. Math - worksheet (Measuring & Drawing Angles)
  2. Blogpost due next Monday
  3. Rubrics signed (Math test, Ind. reading project, "Things I wish I could...", Monologue)
  4. French - answer up to question 25
  5. Science - p. 20 "Build on what you know" and 22 #1-3 and "Build..." - due Thursday
  6. Scholastic order - due by Friday
  7. Pita order - due by Friday

Note: In Math, we will be working on a geometry unit this month. Students will need a geometry kit (actually they need a protractor and compass). Students also need a calculator for math.

New Year's Blogpost

Complete the following statements as you look ahead in 2015. 

A bad habit I'm going to break is...
A new skill I'd like to learn is...
A person I hope to be more like...
A good deed I'm going to do...
A place I'd like to visit...
A book I'd like to read...
A new food I'd like to try...
I'm going to do better at...

Add any other ideas you have.

Due Monday, January 12

Using a protractor

Using Protractor