Tuesday 30 September 2014

To do...Sept. 30

  1. Recount - rough draft revised
  2. Reading History blog post - posted properly!
  3. Math checkpoint - Oct. 1 (tomorrow!)
  4. Math worksheets
  5. Science poster due Monday (arthropod)

Monday 29 September 2014

To do...Sept. 29

  1. "Reading History" blog assignment due Tuesday!!!
  2. Math worksheet #2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 and last question
  3. Recount - used feedback from partner
  4. Science - poster due next day 4 (Monday, October 6) 

Thursday 25 September 2014

To do...Sept. 25

  1. Math - p. 46 #2, 4, 8, 10, 11
  2. Literacy - recount rough draft due Monday
  3. Signed rubrics due tomorrow
  4. ART - rough draft of portfolio due next week
  5. Social Studies due tomorrow
  6. Science due Monday

Wednesday 24 September 2014

To do...Sept. 24

  1. Math - p. 46 #1 a, b, g, h
  2. Literacy - recount rough draft done by end of Friday (time in class tomorrow)
  3. Science - comparing family pet to other animal - due Monday
  4. Social Studies - comparing countries due Friday
  5. ART - hexagon due tomorrow
  6. Rubrics signed - Math test & "All about Me"
I ask all students to get tests and rubrics signed. This allows you to see how your child is progressing. If ever an assignment is lost or a reason for a delay, please send me a quick note (timothy.congram@yrdsb.ca) In class, we've discussed it is their responsibility (important learning skill) to ensure the work is shown to you and brought back to me. Thank you for your support.

Mr. Congram

Tuesday 23 September 2014

To do...Sept. 23

  1. Literacy - complete recount plan and turn in
  2. Math - worksheet 2.4 & p. 44 # 3, 4, 7, 8 ( I WILL BE CHECKING!)
  3. Social Studies - if not finished (all questions)
Grade 8 Pita orders due Oct. 3

Malala Yousafzai

This teenage girl is one of my heroes right now. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. What questions do you have when you hear some of her story?

Asking Questions - variety of texts

Here are some of the questions the class came up with as we watched the video. Who can explain the difference between thin and thick questions?

·         what is she reading
·         what did he steal?
·         who paid the bill?
·         why did the man pass out?
·         who paid off the medical form?
·         what's wrong with the mother?
·         is the doctor the boy?

·         why did the man pay for the medicine?
·         why did he steal the medicine?
·         why is it (medicine) so important?
·         why did the man help the boy?
·         why didn't the boy thank the man?

·         why don't more people help like this?

Is the boy poor? - is this a thick or thin question?

Friday 19 September 2014

To do...Sept. 19

  1. Math worksheet - 2.4 (all questions)
  2. Literacy - recount plan complete by Wed.
  3. Science - p. 15 #1, 4, 5
  4. Blog Post due Sept. 30
  5. Social Studies (see yesterday)
Suggested items to have at school:
  • calculator (can use device)
  • pair of headphones or ear-buds (that can be left at school)
NO school on Monday. Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 18 September 2014

To do...Sept. 18

  1. Milk and Pita orders due Friday
  2. Social Studies - information for your country of choice due next day 5 (Tuesday)
  3. Science - My Tree (due Friday)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Monday 15 September 2014

Asking Questions - Thin or Thick Questions?

What questions do you have as you watch?

Reading History blog post

Learning Goal:  

  • To create a visual representation of your "Reading History"

Success Criteria:
  • Original/Creative/You've made it your own (this is the most important one!)
  • Organized
  • Represent at least 8 significant texts in your reading history (remember texts don't have to be books) and why they were important to you

This is a level 3 example; level 4 will stand out from the crowd. Be original!

Due date:  Tuesday, Sept. 30th

To do...Sept. 15

  1. Math - p. 76 #1-5 and "Mystery Numbers" worksheet (due Wed.)
  2. Math checkpoint signed and returned (from last week)
  3. Science - p. 12 #2, 4 and tree chart
  4. Math test (Thursday)
  • place value
  • standard/expanded/words
  • ordering large numbers
  • rounding 
  • estimation

Friday 12 September 2014

To do...Sept. 12

  1. Math checkpoint signed
  2. Math - rounding worksheet completed
  3. Gym clothes for Monday

Thursday 11 September 2014

To do...Sept. 11

  1. Math Checkpoint signed
  2. Science (see yesterday)

Peer Assessment

Math Communication - estimation

In class yesterday, we were working on how we communicate our thinking (it was not easy!). How many jellybeans do you estimate are in the jar?
Below is some of my own thinking. We are trying to use our prior knowledge (what do I know?) or experience (birthday parties!) to help our estimations.

Digital Footprint

Wednesday 10 September 2014

To do...Sept. 10

  1. Art - hexagons
  2. Social Studies - map due tomorrow
  3. Science - "Living Things" - due Friday
  4. "All about Me" present tomorrow

First password: HOUSEOFUSHER

Tuesday 9 September 2014

To do...Sept. 9

  1. Math checkpoint tomorrow
  2. "All about Me" video due Thursday
  3. Science - p. 6 #1, 2 and "Diversity at the Zoo"

Ban on Homework

Ban on Homework

What makes a "GOOD" mathematician?

Last week in class we discussed what makes a GOOD mathematician? Here are the most important characteristics:
  • determined (don't give up)
  • challenge themselves
  • make MISTAKES
  • show their THINKING
  • asks questions
  • look for different ways to solve problems
  • use their prior knowledge

Monday 8 September 2014

To do...Sept 8

Math p. 41 #1, 2, 4 & p. 42 #8
MATH CHECKPOINT on Wed. (place value, standard form, expanded form, words, order numbers)

Friday 5 September 2014

To do...Sept. 5

1. Math - worksheet
2. Social Studies - due Monday
3. "All about Me" (due next Thursday)
4. Science - "Living and Non-living" chart
5. Gym clothes for Monday

Thursday 4 September 2014

To do...Sept. 4

  1. Social Studies - "Global Connections" due Monday
  2. Math - p. 37 #1, 3, 4, 5 (binder with 5 dividers for Math)
  3. Science - title page due tomorrow and "Diversity at the Zoo"
  4. Bring back forms for school or Mr. Congram
  5. ART sketchbook
  6. Parent Contact  (please fill in)

Wednesday 3 September 2014

To do...Sept. 3

  1. Math - p. 34 #4, 5, 7
  2. Bring gym clothes (shorts, running shoes)
  3. Make sure you have an independent reading book
  4. Scholastic orders due next Tues., Sept. 9
  5. Science - finish title page & bring binder
  6. ART - sketchbook

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Skeleton Creek

The overwhelming choice of the class is to read Skeleton Creek.

To begin the year, our reading strategy will "asking questions."

Ice Bucket Challenge

Living with ALS

To do...September 2

  1. Technology Letters from Mr. Congram - 2 letters
  2. Collect pictures for All about Me video (hobbies, family, growning etc)
  3. Package of information (forms to sign)
  4. Bring gym clothes (for Thursday)